This project turned out to be very ambiguous even for me.
If only because in the process of shooting, it transformed into a completely different idea, atmosphere and plot than I originally intended.
It would be interesting for me to discuss with the audience the desire so often found in modern people to "curl up" in puberty. A certain infantile and aloofness today has become almost an ordinary distinguishing feature of society.
To reveal the essence of this project, I took a short interview with its heroine:


— Hi, can you tell us a little about yourself?

— I'm 23 years old. I studied as a stylist, make-up artist, before that as a computer science teacher, before that in preschool education, before that in medical school. I didn't finish my studies. I work as a underwear seller.

— So many professions, directions, did nothing fit?

— I didn't like it, I like to run away from everywhere.

— Do you have ambitions, desires? Plan to enslave the universe?

— I set myself some goals, maybe not global, but for me even some nothing can be very important. I like to go with the flow more. In general, I'm lucky.

— What do you mean, 'some nothing’?” What are these goals for example?

— Collect all stickers in Facebook for example. Getting to the public's avatar is also an option.

— Admit it, you're joking right now, right?

— My goal was to get on the cover of a million-public, and it wasn't easy. And yet I got there for the New Year.

— Doesn't it bother you that you don't have some global understanding of the future in these arguments?

— More confusing are 23-year-old girls who try to talk about the global. This is sometimes funny, and sometimes sad so...

— You said that you communicate a lot with school children. On the Internet?

— On the Internet. In real life I don't talk to many people. Sometimes I sit at home like a hikka, and sometimes I get carried away.

— Carries? What is "hikka"?

— Well, this is when you sit at home and meet your friend on Ask on behalf of a 14-year-old girl from Yekaterinburg.
And sometimes you stay at home for months and only go out at night. Or "sociopathy" it's called, I'm confused in the terminology.
And sometimes I'm so friendly and love all people, it's like “social beach“ is called.

— No, it's called extroversion and good nature, and it's not an aberration.

— I simplified the name)

— Can I ask you why your choice of company for communication is school children?

— They are funny jokes )

— This is the only explanation?

— In general, I am attracted to brilliant boys with disheveled hair. Smart enough to make my hands shake.

— And do you communicate with your peers?

— With guys of the same age, it seems not. I do not remember. A friend of the same age.

— By the way, do you realize that you look almost like a child? Is this a specially created image?

— No, it's not an image. I'm just 1/4 Korean. And with short hair, I also look like a kid. How can I look like a sexy skin if I have 33 foot size, and I have to buy sneakers in the children's store )

— Tell me — with such a circle of friends, do you mind that you shoot a lot of Nude?
How does this affect the same children who of course watch it in your profile?

— All my further excuses will sound stupid.

This photo project is my instant experience of communication. The place where it was filmed is the area of dormitories of the Engineering University. And I created this image partly in opposition to students who are desperate to get out into the adult world.
A child's tactile ball that guides a girl is another symbol of this story.

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